How Can We Improve Fitness Through Nutrition?
How Can We Improve Fitness Through Nutrition?
By Sophie Cross
August 13, 2024
August 13, 2024
Energy Level Effects

Energy Level Effects
The first step to utilizing nutrition for physical activity is to learn more about how our energy levels are affected by food. I know at least for me, being tired is the most unmotivating and challenging aspect of working out. Whether it’s in the morning or throughout the day, if I don’t have energy, it is so much harder for me to get myself to be active and get out of the house. I also never really thought about the effect that food can have on this. For many people, the first thought is caffeine, like drinking a cup of coffee first thing to wake up in the morning. This is tied to the thought of raising energy levels, which is why pre workouts and energy drinks are also loaded with caffeine. While this can be a good resource for extra energy, it doesn’t last long. That known 3pm crash always goes hand and hand with early caffeine and a lack of nutrients early in the day. After some reading, I learned that whole grains and unsaturated fats supply reserves that can keep us going throughout the whole day. Things that contain a lot of sugar give us that initial boost of energy, but cause a fall just a few hours later.
The first step to utilizing nutrition for physical activity is to learn more about how our energy levels are affected by food. I know at least for me, being tired is the most unmotivating and challenging aspect of working out. Whether it’s in the morning or throughout the day, if I don’t have energy, it is so much harder for me to get myself to be active and get out of the house. I also never really thought about the effect that food can have on this. For many people, the first thought is caffeine, like drinking a cup of coffee first thing to wake up in the morning. This is tied to the thought of raising energy levels, which is why pre workouts and energy drinks are also loaded with caffeine. While this can be a good resource for extra energy, it doesn’t last long. That known 3pm crash always goes hand and hand with early caffeine and a lack of nutrients early in the day. After some reading, I learned that whole grains and unsaturated fats supply reserves that can keep us going throughout the whole day. Things that contain a lot of sugar give us that initial boost of energy, but cause a fall just a few hours later.

Eating Patterns
Not only do the ingredients that we are eating affect our performance, but the patterns of how frequently we eat and how much we eat can have big impacts. Eating smaller meals throughout the day can be really good for energy levels, because we are able to get a constant supply of nutrients. It keeps us full while still avoiding the drag of a bigger meal. In addition, eating a big meal in the middle of the day can cause our energy levels to fall because our body is spending so much time trying to break down food, taking away from the output that we can put into different activities. The increase in blood sugar after a big meal in the middle of the day could also be the culprit for these afternoon crashes.
Slow movement
Recently, many people have gotten into more low impact workouts, like pilates and yoga, to try to tone and lose weight. This is a great way of being active and getting into better shape. It is easier on our bodies, and I think it is also easier to maintain because it doesn’t take us much out of our energy levels and physical function. While it's easy to think that we don’t need to fuel as much for things like this, because they take less energy to complete, this isn’t the case. Some things that help with fueling for low impact exercise are including healthy fats in the diet, practicing mindful eating, and avoiding processed foods. Especially if the goal is to tone the body, protein is a nutrient that is essential for seeing muscle definition and getting us through a workout. In addition to the other things we’ve talked about, high protein diets keep us full while also fueling our muscles, making it possible to complete longer workouts and still feel motivated for the next one!
Eating Patterns
Not only do the ingredients that we are eating affect our performance, but the patterns of how frequently we eat and how much we eat can have big impacts. Eating smaller meals throughout the day can be really good for energy levels, because we are able to get a constant supply of nutrients. It keeps us full while still avoiding the drag of a bigger meal. In addition, eating a big meal in the middle of the day can cause our energy levels to fall because our body is spending so much time trying to break down food, taking away from the output that we can put into different activities. The increase in blood sugar after a big meal in the middle of the day could also be the culprit for these afternoon crashes.
Slow movement
Recently, many people have gotten into more low impact workouts, like pilates and yoga, to try to tone and lose weight. This is a great way of being active and getting into better shape. It is easier on our bodies, and I think it is also easier to maintain because it doesn’t take us much out of our energy levels and physical function. While it's easy to think that we don’t need to fuel as much for things like this, because they take less energy to complete, this isn’t the case. Some things that help with fueling for low impact exercise are including healthy fats in the diet, practicing mindful eating, and avoiding processed foods. Especially if the goal is to tone the body, protein is a nutrient that is essential for seeing muscle definition and getting us through a workout. In addition to the other things we’ve talked about, high protein diets keep us full while also fueling our muscles, making it possible to complete longer workouts and still feel motivated for the next one!

Fast movement
Higher intensity workouts, like running or HIIT routines, require a lot more energy and fuel for our bodies. Because we are exerting so much energy to complete them, it's that much more important to get the nutrients we need to still be able to go on with the day and stay focused. To avoid feeling drained or super low energy, finding the best ways to fuel our bodies is key. The best things for pre workout are more high carb meals that include protein, like whole wheat toast with peanut butter, or greek yogurt with fruit. This ensures that our energy levels are high enough to feel good during a workout and perform to the best of our abilities. What also isn’t talked about as much is the importance of post workout eating. Eating high protein and higher carb after a high intensity workout is crucial for restoring energy levels and giving our bodies nutrients to continue these workouts throughout the week. Examples of these meals could be wheat crackers with cheese and fruit, or hummus and pita bread. I think the main idea is to avoid eating in general. The internet tends to feed us misleading information about high intensity workouts, such that they can make us gain weight or bulk up quickly. These things would only happen if severe changes in diet were made, so it is still super important to get the fuel that we need and that is very beneficial to living a healthier life.
Fast movement
Higher intensity workouts, like running or HIIT routines, require a lot more energy and fuel for our bodies. Because we are exerting so much energy to complete them, it's that much more important to get the nutrients we need to still be able to go on with the day and stay focused. To avoid feeling drained or super low energy, finding the best ways to fuel our bodies is key. The best things for pre workout are more high carb meals that include protein, like whole wheat toast with peanut butter, or greek yogurt with fruit. This ensures that our energy levels are high enough to feel good during a workout and perform to the best of our abilities. What also isn’t talked about as much is the importance of post workout eating. Eating high protein and higher carb after a high intensity workout is crucial for restoring energy levels and giving our bodies nutrients to continue these workouts throughout the week. Examples of these meals could be wheat crackers with cheese and fruit, or hummus and pita bread. I think the main idea is to avoid eating in general. The internet tends to feed us misleading information about high intensity workouts, such that they can make us gain weight or bulk up quickly. These things would only happen if severe changes in diet were made, so it is still super important to get the fuel that we need and that is very beneficial to living a healthier life.

Motivation through nutrition
Eating healthy isn’t only good for our physical function, it is a tool that can keep us motivated. For me, waking up in the morning and starting the day with a healthy and balanced breakfast makes me want to continue to practice healthy habits throughout the day. It helps me to stay on track and start the day right, as opposed to trying to come back from an unhealthy meal all day long. There is science behind this, telling us that our craving and function can be impacted by the way we start our day. A healthy mind leads to healthy habits, showing just how beneficial this practice can be. This good start can also help us to get outside and be active, leading to an even more positive day overall.
Motivation through nutrition
Eating healthy isn’t only good for our physical function, it is a tool that can keep us motivated. For me, waking up in the morning and starting the day with a healthy and balanced breakfast makes me want to continue to practice healthy habits throughout the day. It helps me to stay on track and start the day right, as opposed to trying to come back from an unhealthy meal all day long. There is science behind this, telling us that our craving and function can be impacted by the way we start our day. A healthy mind leads to healthy habits, showing just how beneficial this practice can be. This good start can also help us to get outside and be active, leading to an even more positive day overall.