Health On The Go
Health On The Go
By Sophie Cross
July 22, 2024

Workplace Eating
Getting into the workplace and acclimating to a new routine is tough. There are so many new battles that we are met with and have to adjust to, a lot of the time food becomes an afterthought. It is so easy to get caught up in the stress of life and getting tasks done that we commonly skip breakfast, grab a bag of chips for lunch, or wait to eat until we get home, leaving us so starving we will eat whatever we can get our hands on. One of the main challenges of being in the workplace is the work-life balance, as well as a lack of motivation. Working in a setting that is mentally exhausting can leave people so drained, there is literally no space to even think about what lunch or dinner will look like. I have learned a lot through experience that having something on hand that can keep energy levels up and healthily fuel our bodies can eliminate much of the stress that comes with staying in shape and food noise throughout the day. Especially when joining a new place and meeting new people, there are many barriers that can easily come into play when being in a new environment. Lunch with friends, happy hours, and long hours tend to leave us feeling drained and in positions where unhealthy food is super easy to access. In my experience, and I'm sure many others, being properly fueled keeps the urge to splurge to a minimum. Since we spend so much time working throughout our lives, I think it's so important to have these conversations and become knowledgeable about the topics. The culture of workplace eating is definitely a big thing that people don’t talk about as much, but it can also be a fun new way to look at things. Getting coworkers on board and sharing healthy ideas and routines can be enjoyable, and you may not feel as alone! I personally get so happy when my ideas or routines have an impact on other people.
Workplace Eating
Getting into the workplace and acclimating to a new routine is tough. There are so many new battles that we are met with and have to adjust to, a lot of the time food becomes an afterthought. It is so easy to get caught up in the stress of life and getting tasks done that we commonly skip breakfast, grab a bag of chips for lunch, or wait to eat until we get home, leaving us so starving we will eat whatever we can get our hands on. One of the main challenges of being in the workplace is the work-life balance, as well as a lack of motivation. Working in a setting that is mentally exhausting can leave people so drained, there is literally no space to even think about what lunch or dinner will look like. I have learned a lot through experience that having something on hand that can keep energy levels up and healthily fuel our bodies can eliminate much of the stress that comes with staying in shape and food noise throughout the day. Especially when joining a new place and meeting new people, there are many barriers that can easily come into play when being in a new environment. Lunch with friends, happy hours, and long hours tend to leave us feeling drained and in positions where unhealthy food is super easy to access. In my experience, and I'm sure many others, being properly fueled keeps the urge to splurge to a minimum. Since we spend so much time working throughout our lives, I think it's so important to have these conversations and become knowledgeable about the topics. The culture of workplace eating is definitely a big thing that people don’t talk about as much, but it can also be a fun new way to look at things. Getting coworkers on board and sharing healthy ideas and routines can be enjoyable, and you may not feel as alone! I personally get so happy when my ideas or routines have an impact on other people.
Healthy Snacking
Although we usually associate “snacking” with unhealthy food and a negative stereotype, there are so many bonuses to keeping our bodies properly fueled throughout the day. Seeing that Americans eat an average of 2.2 snacks per day, I think it's easy to point out the importance that this extra food is coming from a clean and balanced place. Healthy snacking as opposed to just grabbing chips or candy can really help to replenish energy levels. Especially in a work setting, I think the worst feeling is crashing throughout the day and not knowing what to do about it. Especially with the amount of sleep that most of us are getting, fueling ourselves effectively can definitely make or break a productive day. For example, if you are like me and enjoy working out before work at the beginning of the day, energy levels can tend to get super low around 2 pm or 3 pm. Eating something that has a good protein source and natural carbs helps to nourish our bodies so effectively, that there is a lot less room for that crash of energy. Having things prepared or on hand makes this a possibility for people who find themselves always in a rush out the door. Believe me, because I am in this situation more than not. Having a bar that you know will only serve a good purpose and is reliable in keeping you feeling good should be a main staple. In my experience, this eliminates the ability for our brains to impulsively grab something that will leave us regretting our decisions later on.
Pros Of Nutrient Dense Food For the Brain
The food that we eat has a huge effect on our brains and the way that our energy levels function, as well as cognitive function throughout the day. Especially when we’re thinking all day about so many different things, our energy levels can easily fall. This can make it much more challenging to be productive at work and perform to the best of our abilities. I know that when I am hungry, or start my day off with something super sugary, I cannot focus on anything to save my life. I have found such a difference in the way I function correlating the certain foods I’m eating. Especially when grabbing little snacks between meals, choosing healthier options always makes me feel exponentially different. Eating a lot of vitamins and minerals aids our brains in functioning in the best way possible, which is why it’s so important to pick and choose our snacking wisely. Diets that are higher in sugar have been found to change our insulin levels, which can throw off our energy throughout the day. This can also increase stress levels and inflammation. I believe that we can all agree that these symptoms don’t sound pleasant, especially while trying to focus on getting work done. Learning, memory, and motor speed are things that we shouldn’t have to risk losing to eat during our work days. While it may satisfy us in the moment, within the next few hours I can guarantee that one would either still be hungry, or be searching for something else to give that energy boost.
Healthy Snacking
Although we usually associate “snacking” with unhealthy food and a negative stereotype, there are so many bonuses to keeping our bodies properly fueled throughout the day. Seeing that Americans eat an average of 2.2 snacks per day, I think it's easy to point out the importance that this extra food is coming from a clean and balanced place. Healthy snacking as opposed to just grabbing chips or candy can really help to replenish energy levels. Especially in a work setting, I think the worst feeling is crashing throughout the day and not knowing what to do about it. Especially with the amount of sleep that most of us are getting, fueling ourselves effectively can definitely make or break a productive day. For example, if you are like me and enjoy working out before work at the beginning of the day, energy levels can tend to get super low around 2 pm or 3 pm. Eating something that has a good protein source and natural carbs helps to nourish our bodies so effectively, that there is a lot less room for that crash of energy. Having things prepared or on hand makes this a possibility for people who find themselves always in a rush out the door. Believe me, because I am in this situation more than not. Having a bar that you know will only serve a good purpose and is reliable in keeping you feeling good should be a main staple. In my experience, this eliminates the ability for our brains to impulsively grab something that will leave us regretting our decisions later on.
Pros Of Nutrient Dense Food For the Brain
The food that we eat has a huge effect on our brains and the way that our energy levels function, as well as cognitive function throughout the day. Especially when we’re thinking all day about so many different things, our energy levels can easily fall. This can make it much more challenging to be productive at work and perform to the best of our abilities. I know that when I am hungry, or start my day off with something super sugary, I cannot focus on anything to save my life. I have found such a difference in the way I function correlating the certain foods I’m eating. Especially when grabbing little snacks between meals, choosing healthier options always makes me feel exponentially different. Eating a lot of vitamins and minerals aids our brains in functioning in the best way possible, which is why it’s so important to pick and choose our snacking wisely. Diets that are higher in sugar have been found to change our insulin levels, which can throw off our energy throughout the day. This can also increase stress levels and inflammation. I believe that we can all agree that these symptoms don’t sound pleasant, especially while trying to focus on getting work done. Learning, memory, and motor speed are things that we shouldn’t have to risk losing to eat during our work days. While it may satisfy us in the moment, within the next few hours I can guarantee that one would either still be hungry, or be searching for something else to give that energy boost.
The Takeaway
The Takeaway
Sugary foods tend to create a type of reward system in our brains, causing more cravings and the start of a routine cycle. As a result, there is a much higher likelihood of weight gain or negative habits down the line. In addition to this, it also affects our mood. Emotional processing and increased anxiety are just two symptoms that pair with a high-sugar diet. These are hindering issues that can be eliminated so simply with access to simple diet changes. Prioritizing ingredients, like nuts or berries for example, is the best way to keep us high energy and happy in a constant state.
Sugary foods tend to create a type of reward system in our brains, causing more cravings and the start of a routine cycle. As a result, there is a much higher likelihood of weight gain or negative habits down the line. In addition to this, it also affects our mood. Emotional processing and increased anxiety are just two symptoms that pair with a high-sugar diet. These are hindering issues that can be eliminated so simply with access to simple diet changes. Prioritizing ingredients, like nuts or berries for example, is the best way to keep us high energy and happy in a constant state.