the effects on blood sugar and insulin levels when consuming allulose alone or with sucrose

October 2023

A recent study compared the glycemic and insulinemic impact of consuming allulose alone or when added to sucrose. The study aimed to examine whether replacing sucrose in our diet with allulose could be beneficial for our health.


Allulose is a naturally occurring monosaccharide, about 70% as sweet as regular sugar (sucrose) but lower in calories. It's found in small quantities in some dried fruits, brown sugar, and maple syrup, but can now also be made in large amounts due to advancements in technology.


In this study, 14 individuals, who did not have diabetes, were given drinks containing either 15g allulose, 15g allulose and 30g sucrose, or 30g sucrose. Their blood sugar and insulin response was then monitored over the next two hours.

The findings were quite promising. When consumed by itself, allulose barely raised blood sugar or insulin levels. When added to sucrose, allulose lowered the post-eating blood sugar spike compared to when sucrose was consumed alone. The insulin response was also reduced when allulose was added to sucrose.

In other words, this means that replacing regular sugar with allulose in our diets could potentially reduce blood sugar and insulin spikes after meals, which is a health plus. This could be especially beneficial for individuals at risk for or managing diabetes. Although these results are promising, the researchers highlight the need for longer-term studies to confirm such benefits.


The takeaway from this study is that allulose shows potential as a healthier substitute for regular sugar, with possible benefits for blood sugar and insulin management. 

The Takeaway

  • Allulose alone, as expected, minimally increased glucose and insulin.
  • Allulose added to sucrose lowered postprandial glucose versus sucrose alone.
  • Insulin was also lowered after adding allulose to sucrose versus sucrose alone.
  • Adding allulose to sucrose also attenuated the peak rise in glucose and insulin.