SIMPLE Bars at WeWork Offices!

WeWork members have tried Simple bars in multiple offices, and their reviews have been great!

Amanda Ament, founder of simple sampling simple bars at WeWork co-working spaces
Here are some of the things we've heard:


  • Michael said "I'm a fan of the chocolate sea salt, it's sweet but not too sweet."

  • Camille loved tasting Simple bars. She said, "They are absolutely delicious, and they make me feel great."

  • MS said she's tried a lot of bars in her day but has never found one she likes. She had this to say about the bar: "I can chew them easily. They taste great - like a yummy dessert!"

  • Mary said, "They're not totally like other protein bars. They taste more like a treat!" 

We've had a great time meeting with members from the WeWork office, and we're happy to provide better for you, low sugar snack bars to our community.
We're committed to providing people with a healthy option that they can enjoy on their commute or in between meetings.
